
The Trello add-on needs to be installed and activated to see the features mentioned in this documentation. This extension allows you to create Trello cards from your Ninja Forms submissions.

You can control the card name and description from your form inputs, assign members to the card by default, set the card labels and their position. You can also set form inputs as links attached to the cards.

Connecting Ninja Forms to Your Trello Account

Before you can configure your forms to post to Trello, you need to connect Ninja Forms to your Trello account.  To do so you will first, need to log in to Trello and then retrieve your API keys. 

Once you have the API keys, paste them into your Ninja Forms settings, and complete the process by authorizing your connection to Trello.

How to Access Your API Keys

Log into your Trello account.  If you do not have an account you will need to create one.  To do so go to the, Create a Trello Account sign-up page.

Access your API keys by retrieving them from  Copy both the Developer Key and the OAuth Secret key to your clipboard.  You will be pasting these into your Ninja Forms, Trello Settings.

Set the Allowed Origin by adding your site URL or domain name into the field and Submit.

Trello Origins Settings.

Adding the API Keys to Ninja Forms

Within the WordPress dashboard head over to Ninja Forms > Settings > Trello Settings.  Paste the Developer Key and Oauth Secret in their respective fields then click the blue Save Settings button at the bottom.

From there you will need to authorize your connection.  To do so go to Ninja Forms > Trello and click the blue Connect with, button.

Trello Connection settings

Grant access and you’re ready to move on.


Creating Trello cards from Ninja Forms Submissions

Data from any submitted form can be used to create a card in your Trello account through the addition of a Trello action to any form.

To add the action to any form, from the Emails & Actions tab click Add New Action and then the Trello action from inside the Actions Window that opens.


You can now configure the Trello action as needed. Select the Organization, Board, and then List you want the cards to be created in, and then set the Card Name, Card Description, and any Attachment Links you desire.

These can all be populated from fields within the form via merge tags selected from the icon to the right of the field.Filling out the Trello action with form values

Advanced Card Settings

Advanced Trello action options.

Card Labels and Card Members

You can further configure the card using the ‘Advanced’ section of the action.

Here you can select where the card will be added to the list, either to the top or the bottom. You can set the labels to be added to the card, and which members are assigned to it.

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