Display Settings

General Settings

Form Title – The name entered here will be what’s displayed in the Ninja Forms Dashboard when you view your list of all forms. You can also choose to display this title or not on the body of the form with the option below.

Display Form Title – Toggle to show/hide the Form Title (above) when the form is displayed to users on a post or page.

Clear Successfully Completed Form – On by default. When a form is submitted, all information entered into fields will be cleared. If you want the form to retain the data entered by a user, turn this off. Only the user submitting the form will see their data in the form fields; it will not be visible to any one else. This does not affect data being recorded to Submissions.

Hide Successfully Completed Form – On by default. When a form is submitted it will not reload on the page for the user that submitted it (it will still be visible to anyone else, though). If you want to form to reload itself on the page for the user that just submitted it, turn this option off.

Advanced settings

Default Label Position – designate the default position you would like field labels to appear in relation to the field input box

Custom Class Names

  • In order to view the Custom Class Name settings you will need to enable “Developer Mode”.
  • Wrapper – add a custom class name to the Wrapper of the Form
  • Element – add a custom class name to the Form Element

Custom Labels

These customize the wording of warning messages that display when a field contains a user-entered error.

  • Please enter a valid email address! – Email field error for improperly formatted email address
  • Please enter a valid date! – Date field error for improperly formatted date
  • These fields must match! – Error displayed when using a Confirm field to force a match in another field
  • Number Min error – Number field error displayed when a value entered that is less than the designated minimum value
  • Number Max error – Number field error displayed when a value entered that is greater than the designated maximum value
  • Please increment by – Number field error displayed when a value entered does not meet the required value incrementation (e.g. the field is set to increment by tens but a number not divisible by ten is entered)
  • Please correct errors before submitting this form – error that is displayed when attempting to submit a form with an unresolved error message still present on the form
  • This is a required field – error displayed when a field designated as required is left blank after interacting with that field
  • Honeypot error – administrative only, displayed on a form when the hidden honeypot field is interacted with by a bot (i.e. spam) and the submission attempt is rejected
  • Fields marked with an * are required – error displayed when a field designated as required is left blank and the user attempts to submit the form



By default the form will display currency in the proper format as determined by the language selected under the WordPress General settings for the site. If you wish to use a different currency format in the form, it can be selected here from supported options.

Administration settings

In order to view the Administration settings you will need to enable “Developer Mode”.

Form Key – Programmatic name that can be used to reference this form in custom code.