Are you tired of clients complaining about constant user password resets and profile updates? With WordPress only allowing changes through the admin dashboard, it’s a headache for everyone. We know your clients want custom profiles, too, to collect specific user data. But limited customization options leave them stuck.
Make your clients and their users happy by implementing front-end profile management in WordPress!
Using the Ninja Forms and the User Management add-on, you can easily give users control to update details from the front end: no more clunky dashboard navigation. We can also tailor user profiles to match your client’s business needs and collect the data they want.
Interested in learning how? Let’s walk through setting up front-end user profile editing in WordPress.
How do I create a WordPress user profile page on the front end?
Before we can get started, we will first need to install and activate the Ninja Forms core plugin ( download ) and our User Management add-on. If you are new to Ninja Forms, we recommend checking out the following getting-started guides:
Step 1: Create and customize a user profile form
Now that the plugins are installed, go to your WordPress dashboard to create a form. Navigate to Ninja Forms > Add New > Update Profile.
This form will serve as the interface for users to update their information. You can customize the fields and layout of the form to fit your specific needs.
For example, if you want to collect additional information from your users, such as their birth date, phone number, or address, you can easily add those fields to the form.
Step 2: Set up the Update Profile action
Now that your form is customized, we are going to finish setting up the rest of the form. Click on Emails & Actions to access the Update Profile action.
Open the action to map your form fields to the WordPress User Profile. The Role setting gives you the ability to assign a user role. You can make this feature dynamic by employing conditional logic.
Did you know you can auto-fill the user profile form with registration data?
In our digital age, users expect platforms to be intuitive and user-friendly. Auto-populating fields play a pivotal role in enhancing this user experience by offering continuity and ease. Here are two scenarios that illustrate this feature’s transformative power:
- Scenario 1: Jane, a budding software developer, registering on a job portal. She enters her name, email, and preferred job type. Later, when Jane decides to update her detailed profile, she finds her basic details already filled in.
- Scenario 2: John signs up for an upcoming tech conference, sharing his dietary preferences and shirt size for event merchandise. When John revisits the event portal to tweak his preferences, he’s relieved to find his earlier entries auto-filled, ready for modifications.
Believe it or not, Ninja Forms’ User Management add-on solves this problem through the use of Custom Meta.
Custom Meta works by automatically filling in fields with user data between the registration and updated profile forms. For example, say you have a date of birth field in registration; you can auto-fill the same field in the Update Profile form.
Here’s how:
- Add a “Date of Birth/ Single Line Text” field to your Register User form.
- Open the Administration dropdown, and copy the Field Key to your clipboard.
- Go to the Emails & Actions tab, choose Register User, and open Advanced Settings.
- In Custom Meta, click Add New. Paste the copied key into the Meta Key field.
- In the Meta Value, select the merge tag icon and pick “Date of Birth/Single Line Text.”
- In the Update Profile form, repeat steps 1-5. Ensure the Meta Key matches the one from Registration, or it won’t work.
That wasn’t too hard, was it?
Way to go! Create your own WordPress User Profile form with Ninja Forms today!
By following this step-by-step guide, you can empower your users to update their own user profiles on the front end of your WordPress site. This not only saves you time and reduces your admin workload but also provides a better user experience for your website visitors. Users can easily make changes to their profiles without having to navigate through the WordPress dashboard, and you have full control over the information you collect from them.
So why wait? Start using the Ninja Forms profile template form from the User Management add-on today and simplify the user profile editing process! It’s available for individual purchase in single, five, or twenty-site licenses or as a part of our comprehensive Elite Membership Plan. With a risk-free 14-day money-back guarantee, there’s nothing standing between you and your vision.