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How to Setup a Thank You Page Redirect for Ninja Forms

There’s an option in your form submissions settings that can deepen the relationships you create with your customers and prospects. It’s simple, it’s free, and easy to set up. Yet, you probably aren’t even using it. Setting up a simple thank you page redirect in your Ninja Forms gives you a path towards connecting with your site visitors when they are primed to take action.

Who should get a form thank you page?

If anyone takes action on your site, whether completing a contact form, signing up for a newsletter or an event, or processing a payment, they just engaged with your brand. They’re not just reading, they’re acting. It’s a great time to connect with that site visitor and encourage them to take even more action.

Email signup thank you pages

If they just signed up for an email list, thank them for subscribing by providing some kind of exclusive content. This could be a discount on a future purchase, a free gift, or even exclusive access to watch a video interview with you. Anything that feels exclusive and special helps your site visitor feel like they received a reward for taking action.

Payment form thank you pages

If they just purchased something, congratulations! You have transformed a site visitor into a customer. the thank you page is a great place to give them some details about what they’re getting or even encouraging them to buy a related product to what they just purchased. The thank you page can give them an idea of what to expect, or even a message that solidifies the sale and helps the customer feel good about the purchase they just made.

Event registration thank you pages

If you’re using Ninja Forms with the Zapier add-on to add users to a Zoom webinar, for example, adding handouts or other relevant information can increase the registrant attendance for your event.

Booking form thank you pages

If you’re using the Advanced Datepicker add-on along with the Zapier add-on so that site visitors can schedule meetings with you, use a thank you page to provide a list of things that they can bring to the meeting to make things easier.

You probably see a pattern here. If you’re setting up a form, you should probably also be setting up a thank you page redirect with Ninja Forms.

Why thank you pages are important

When a user takes action on your site, they are primed to take further action. Encouraging them to learn more about you and your business when they’re open to doing so offers more opportunities to deepen that relationship.

This timeframe, immediately following a user’s action, is the perfect time to provide a positive reinforcement for engaging with your business. It encourages success with your product in solving your customers’ problems and helping them to achieve their goals. It’s the perfect time to encourage that success, which leads to better testimonials, repeat purchases, and social sharing. This is the time to build your business, your reputation, and your brand.

What should you put on your thank you page?

A restatement of the value proposition. If your customer just signed up for the newsletter, reaffirm that they’re receiving value in their inbox soon. If they just purchased something, restate the value proposition for your product or service and reaffirm that it will solve the customer’s problem as well as help them achieve their goals. If you’re unsure of what those are, market research can help you.

Social proof. If they just signed up for your newsletter, a comment such as “you’ve just joined over 10,000 others who receive this valuable design content weekly,” not only provides social proof, but you also reaffirm what type of content they’re receiving and manage expectations.

If they’ve just purchased something, perhaps you say, “Congratulations. You’ve joined the list of esteemed customers such as…” and sharing some of the more notable customers you have.

Relevant content. Make sure you create a unique thank you page for every form you have. It would be odd to thank someone for subscribing to your newsletter when they just spent money on an important product or service, or if they signed up for a webinar. Make sure you say thank you, and be specific about the action the user just took.

Related links. The thank you page is also a great place to add links to some of the most popular content you’ve published on your site that is relevant to the action your customers just performed. For example, if they just signed up for your newsletter, perhaps linking to a particularly successful or notable previous newsletter would be a great bonus.

Ask for social shares. Along with reaffirming your value, encouraging either testimonials or social shares can foster brand awareness and encourage organic social proof supporting your brand.

Conduct a survey. Your thank you page is a wonderful place to collect market information. New customers? Ask them what made them choose your product. New subscribers? Perhaps you could find out what they’re expecting from your newsletter so you can more effectively deliver on expectations.

How to set up a thank you page redirect on Ninja Forms

Setting up a thank you page redirect for your customers is simple with Ninja Forms. We’ve outlined the steps below to make things easier for you.

First, create your thank you page. Before adding the thank you page redirect to your Ninja Forms, make sure you create the thank you page first. Otherwise, your customers or newsletter signups will be redirected to a 404 message while you’re getting your thank you page ready. Think about what you might want to add to your thank you page that’s specific to this particular form.

You won’t want this page added to menus or otherwise available on your site. This page is only visible for those who have completed your form. This is important when we set up analytics to track measurement.

Once you’ve got the page created and published, and it looks spectacular with curated content specific to those who will be completing your form, let’s set up the redirect!

Add the redirect to your Ninja Form. Go to your form in your Ninja Forms dashboard, and click the form name where you’ll be adding a thank you redirect. Next, go to Emails & Actions on the top of the form editing screen. Under Emails & Actions, click the blue plus button on the bottom right of your screen.

Add Emails and Actions

Next, click on “Redirect” to add a redirect to your form.
add redirect to your form

This will open an area where you will enter the URL for your thank you page. Make sure you enter the entire URL of your page into this field.

redirect page URL

Then, click “Done” and finally “Publish.” Make sure you test your form to make sure that it completes, as well as to ensure that the redirection shows your new thank you page.

Test your messages

Rather than overwhelming users with every message possible on the thank you page, be selective and be specific. Choose one primary message that you’d like to convey, and make that message count. Then, as you find success, test different messages to see which have the best impact on your customers. Add a call to action (CTA) to your thank you page to see if site visitors take action on that page. For example, if your call to action is a social share, set up a button to make sharing easier. Then, track how many times that button gets clicked.

Add your page as a goal in Google Analytics

As your user just took specific action on your site, it’s a good idea to track that as a completed goal. To do this, access your Google Analytics account, then click Admin > Goals. Once there, click “+New Goal.” That will open this dialog, where you will choose “Custom.”

GA Goal Setup

Next, enter your goal description. For this example, we’re adding newsletter signup so we know later what we’re measuring. GA Goal Description

Next, we define the destination that users will see when they’ve completed the goal we’ve defined.
GA Goal Details

Google Analytics usually takes 1-2 weeks to collect goal completion data, so check back and see how things are working. This data will be helpful as you test the messages on your forms.


A redirect to a thank you page after a form completion can be a great way to deepen connections with your site visitors right after they’ve taken action. Doing so with Ninja Forms is a simple process that can have big rewards for your business and your brand. Using Ninja Forms with Google Analytics lets us define specific goals and measure the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.

Let us know in the comments below if you’ve added redirects thank you pages on your site, and let us know if that’s worked well for you. Share your ideas, along with a link to your site, so other Ninja Forms users can learn from your creativity!