Are you on the lookout for a creative new way to connect with potential customers but are strapped for time? If so, I have the solution for you. Skip the extra work of creating yet another Thank You page and display custom success messages in WordPress form instead.
With the Ninja Forms form builder, you can stop waiting around for your dev team and take matters into your own hands. Adding a human touch to your form’s confirmation messages will not only elicits feelings of appreciation from customers but will provide personality to a seemingly generic experience.
In this article, we will show you to make the most of your Success Message using our free Ninja Forms core plugin and Conditional Logic add-on. Turn your generic confirmation messages into personalized statements that your customers will love. So let’s get started.
How to display custom success messages in WordPress
Assuming Conditional Logic has been installed and activated, return to your form ( Ninja Forms > Dashboard ).
To create custom success messages, first, add a list field to your form with field options that will correspond with your custom success message. Make sure each option contains both a value and the label, otherwise you will run into problems in step two.
After adding the list field, click on the Email and Actions tab. By default, your form should have once Success Message action enabled. To add a new action, duplicate the existing action by hovering over the gear icon and clicking on the clone button. Now you should have two success messages, whippee!
Step 1. Customize your Success Message
Add form data dynamically with merge tags. For example, if you asked for your customer’s first name, make use of the data and add it to the success message. Not only will it catch your customer off guard ( and for the better ), but it will help in humanizing your brand.
Our Summernote WYSIWYG editor is HTML compatible. So go to town, and insert images, links, tables, and any other HTML elements ( even inline styles 😁 ) you can come up with. To access the editor, click on the < > icon. Your white field will turn black, signifying it’s ready for HTML.
Step 2. Setup personalized conditions with Conditional Logic
All of our form actions are Conditional Logic compatible, so if you don’t see the Conditional Logic dropdown after installing the Conditional Logic add-on, double-check your Plugins to make sure it’s active.
To create the condition, you will first need to target the list field. After that, tell the action to fire ( Has Selected ) only when the user has selected the specific field option. Repeat the process for any remaining Success Message actions.
Add the newly customized form to your WordPress page or post, and Botta-bing, bota-boom, every time your customer submits the form, they will receive a custom confirmation message.
Congrats! You’ve learned how to display custom success messages with WordPress
Now that you know how to display custom success messages in WordPress, it’s your turn. Pair our User Management add-on with Conditional Logic to create a registration site that provides a personalized experience. With it, you can create custom actions like the ones in this article to trigger when a user has registered, logged in, or updated their profile.
Get the Conditional Logic add-on to unlock the full power of form actions, delivering a personalized experience, which is a top priority for any marketer or business owner.
Unlike our competitors, we offer all of our add-ons a la carte so you can get what you need instead of what you don’t. Get Conditional Logic in a one, five, or twenty-site license. Need Layout and Styles, File Uploads, and Multi-Step Forms too? Get the Basic ( Personal ) membership, and you can get all four for the price of one plus premium support as well as 10% off any additional add-ons. Try it today; you won’t be disappointed.