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Book Multiple Events in one WordPress Form

Do you have a series of workshops, conferences, or social gatherings?

Creating one WordPress form allows attendees to easily register for multiple events in one go, and eliminates the need to fill out reams of forms and repetitive information for each separate event. A centralized system streamlines all event booking data, creating a straightforward process for booking managers.

The integration of multiple event bookings within a single WordPress form enhances organization, accessibility, and user experience, contributing to the success of the events.

List of components we’ll need:

  • Checkbox List field to allow for single and multiple selections. We will have 4 events and want to allow attendees to select and attend as many as they wish.
  • Use the Advanced Date Timepicker add-on to integrate date and time selection into your WordPress booking form. Thus:
    • Attendees can conveniently choose dates and times on our booking form.
    • We can set a limit to the number of people that can attend each event
    • We can set the selectable dates and avoid overwhelming users with a myriad of days to choose from.
  • Conditional Logic add-on to hide and show fields.

Check out these detailed guidelines to learn how to use the Checkbox field, Advanced Date Timepicker and Conditional Logic.

Step 1: Create a WordPress Booking form

Install Ninja Forms Core (download) and create a new form with a name, email, checkbox list, and four Date/Time fields.

Set the Checkbox List field

Label it, set it as a required field, add 4 options, label them, and input their values.

Checkbox List field that allows for selection of 4 events

Set Date/Time fields

For each of the four events, we will create a Date/Time field (as shown in the image below).

  • No. 1 is the name of the Date/Time field.
  • No. 2: We want no more than 100 bookings for the Ice Cream Fest event, so NUMBER OF SUBMISSIONS PER DATE/TIME we input is 100.
  • No. 3: The Ice Cream Fest event will be held on all Mondays in the month of May. Click the days to select them while ensuring Enable ONLY these dates is selected.

Set the Date fields that allow forms users to choose dates to attend the events

Set the rest of the three Date/Time fields as we have done with the “Ice Cream Fest” event. Summer Kite Fest on all Tuesdays, Pet Show event on Wednesdays, and Bowling on all Thursdays.

At this time, users of the form can only select a single day from the Date/Time field. Selectable date ranges are a possibility to be added in the future. Let us know if you’d like to see this feature soon!

Step 2: Set Conditional Logic

We will use the Conditional Logic add-on to show and hide the Date/Time fields as per user selection on the Checkbox List field.

When a checkbox is checked in the Checkbox List field, the Date/Time field will show; when unchecked, the Date/Time field will hide.

Conditional Logic to Show and Hide Date fields

Here is what the Conditional Logic will look like (shown in the image below):

Conditional Logic setup when the form user checklist an event

Set three conditions for all the other three events.

Conditional to hide Date/Time fields when there is no selection in the Checkbox List field

Conditional Logic to hide all the Date fields when no event is checked.

Salute to Single WordPress form for Multiple Events Booking

Mastering the art of booking multiple events through a single WordPress form opens up a world of convenience and efficiency for both event organizers and participants.

Did you know the Ninja Forms core plugin is free? It comes packed with a bunch of awesome features, like calculations, unlimited submissions, submission management, spam protection, and more. Check out all the features that come included for free in the Ninja Forms core plugin!

Besides our free features, we offer over 40 different integrations to help match your needs and wants into a form-building experience unlike any other. Unlike our competitors, all our add-ons can be purchased individually in one-, five-, or twenty-site licenses. Need more add-ons? We recommend going with one of our membership plans, including additional discounts for even more add-ons!