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How to Accept Google Pay in WordPress

Are you looking for an easy way to get more donations without being charged an arm and a leg in transaction fees? What about a more secure checkout experience for customers that is both fast and convenient?

We have good news. 😁

Our Stripe add-on is now fully compatible with Google Pay. This means your customers can safely make donations, pay registration fees, or purchase digital products securely with Google Pay once you’ve added it to your Stripe account.

In this blog post, we will show you how to turn on Google Pay so you can start accepting payments using our Stripe add-on. Let’s begin.

Step 1: Turn on Google Pay in your Stripe account

First, you will need to login into your Stripe account. After that, head over to your Stripe Settings, then go to Payments. Next, click on Payment Methods. After that, click on the Edit Settings link to access all available payment methods.

Stripe Wallet Dashboard, Turn On Google Pay

Under Wallets, you will see the option for Google Pay. Turn On, then review the Google API Terms of Service & Privacy Policy to understand what additional services Google may use on your site, and that’s it!

✨ Activation is required so  make sure you activate your account before accepting live payments with any of the payment methods

Step 2: Add Google Pay to Your WordPress form

After adding the payment options to your Stripe account, head back to your WordPress form and open up your Stripe action. Under the Advanced dropdown, you will see a new section called, Accepted Payment Methods.

All Stripe payment methods accepted

Card Only

To accept credit cards only, add the Stripe action to your form, and that’s all. By default, Card Only is enabled and ready to go.

ALL Methods

For Google Pay, select ALL Methods. That’s it. Easy peasy, right?

Accepting Google Pay in WordPress has never been easier.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully learned how to integrate Google Pay into your WordPress site using Stripe. Besides offering a wide array of payment methods, here are some more things you can do with Stripe:

Make the Ninja Forms Stripe add-on your new go-to payment plugin today. Not only can you easily manage payment totals and set up one-time subscription payments, but you can also accept any payment method possible with Stripe.

Take the plunge? Unlike our competitors, you can get Stripe separately in a one-, five-, or twenty-site license; otherwise, you can get it as part of our Pro plan. With a 14-day money-back guarantee, it’s a no-brainer.