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Easy, Custom ActiveCampaign Forms with WordPress

Do you need more than just a signup form? Don’t want to mess with code?

The forms that come with your ActiveCampaign account are great. Easy to apply basic styling, easy to manage opt-in confirmations, & even some actions like redirects. Nice as they are though, you’ve likely run into some drawbacks.

Not crazy about having to embed and update code just to get an ActiveCampaign form into WordPress?

What if you want to make more than a basic signup form (and still not have to touch any code)?

  • Add a ActiveCampaign signup to a payment form?
  • Accept an uploaded file with your ActiveCampaign form?

You can always mock up what you need and get ahold of a developer. But that’s obviously expensive and always takes a while for turnaround.

You can build what you need yourself, in minutes, with little cost and zero code. And not lose any of the current features you love.

Here’s how to do-it-yourself an ActiveCampaign form with WordPress.

How to connect ActiveCampaign with WordPress in 10 minutes, no code.

Do this to connect ActiveCampaign and WordPress in just a few minutes:

  1. Install & Activate the Ninja Forms ActiveCampaign add-on
  2. Login to your ActiveCampaign account
  3. Authenticate Ninja Forms with your ActiveCampaign account
  4. Pick any form and add an ActiveCampaign action

If you just want a simple signup form, this couldn’t be easier. Just drag and drop your fields into place, and add an ActiveCampaign form action:

In the ActiveCampaign action, select the list in your ActiveCampaign account you want to connect to. Then choose the fields on your form that you want to connect to the fields for that list.

That’s all there is to it. Your new form can be added anywhere on your site with no need to touch a line of code anywhere.

You won’t lose any of the features you use in your current ActiveCampaign forms with WordPress

You’ll still be able to trigger the double opt-in process within ActiveCampaign from your Ninja Forms. It’s just a few steps to set it up once, and forget it.

Email notifications of each new signup? No problem.

Worried that you’ll lose the modal/popup or floating form options the default ActiveCampaign forms offer? Don’t be. Just install the free Popup Maker plugin from You’ll be able to place any of your Ninja Forms into really cool and flexible popups and floating boxes/bars.

Turn any WordPress form into an ActiveCampaign form!

Want to offer users a chance to sign up to your list from other forms? Maybe you have a payment form, or a registration form? You have the flexibility to do this now.

Add a signup option to any payment or donation form

You may be a little surprised by all the payment options you can pull off from a simple WordPress form. One time payments, subscription payments, variable pricing, product variants, and more. Learn more here if you’re not already familiar.

To offer a signup option from a payment form, just add an ActiveCampaign action & an email field!

Add a signup option to any registration form

The User Management add-on lets you quickly spin up forms that allow users to register, login, and manage their own profiles.

Want to offer the option of signing up to your list on registration? Just add an ActiveCampaign action to the form and set your double opt-in.

Allow a file upload on your ActiveCampaign form

Studio shot of a young businesswoman against a blue backgroundNeed a document submitted on the same form you’re offering a signup from? No problem. Add a file upload field to your signup form.

ActiveCampaign won’t store the file for you. They just don’t have the tons of space that a cloud storage service provides. But you can route the file from you form to Google Drive, Dropbox, or Amazon S3. There will be a handy dandy link in both your list and in your submissions to the stored file.

Easily offer downloads and other incentives on signup

Your stock forms have the ability to redirect after submission. You’ll still be able to do that no issue form any ActiveCampaign forms with WordPress.

You’ll also be able to offer a download in a success message, or attached to an email.

But what about really highlighting that freebie in the form? You’ll have a purpose-made HTML field that can be placed anywhere in the form. This field features a rich text editor in the admin that can be used to really emphasize your lead magnet, even include images.

Let new signups self-select one or more lists from the same form

You probably have more than one list in your account. Each new signup might be interested in being added to more than one of these. That’s an issue with a stock form, but not here.

On any form, you can add as many ActiveCampaign actions as you like. Each can be set to a different list. Add a checkbox list giving your users a way to choose which lists they want to be added to.

You can then apply WordPress form logic to each of those actions, telling it to fire only if the relevant selection has been made by the user in the form.

Send email, sms, even slack notifications with each new signup

We mentioned above that sending email notifications is no problem, same as in your stock forms. But what if you want to email different people depending on the list the user has signed up to? Just like letting new signups self-select their list above, you can apply form logic to email actions. Trigger specific emails to certain addresses only depending on who has signed up for what.

Email not enough? You can also integrate your form with Twilio or ClickSend for sms notifications. You can even ping a specific Slack channel if you wanted.

Take advantage of the options listed above to build the highest converting ActiveCampaign forms with WordPress

Feeling limited by your stock ActiveCampaign signup forms? Build any ActiveCampaign form you need in minutes, without ever touching code!

You don’t know what you’re missing until you can see the difference that a professional form builder can make for you. That’s not even considering the wasted time and headache of fooling with code to activate stock forms.

You’re leaving visitors that are potential new signups on the table every day. Start taking full advantage of your ActiveCampaign forms with WordPress now!

Most of the features discussed above are possible with just a Ninja Forms Personal Membership + Active Campaign.

Comments are below if you have any questions: are there any ActiveCampaign form features you’re curious about?