Making forms with Ninja Forms is simple and easy. It is by far the best form builder for WordPress. As an example, I am going to create for you a simple WordPress application form for a home mortgage. Making this form with Ninja Forms is a snap!
Designing a WordPress Application Form
First, we decide on what fields we want on our form. To create this form, we simply go into the Ninja Forms dashboard, click Add New, and choose Blank Form. We’ll start with the basic information; first and last name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number, and email address:
Customizing Your Design
After we have the fields we need, we can use Ninja Forms’ Layouts and Styles extension to create a multi-column form to make better use of space and have it more pleasing to the eye.
Creating Sections
It’s a simple matter to make section breaks for your WordPress application form. Now we need some financial information from the user. Let’s add an income level checkbox list and a couple of fields where the user can enter employment information. We’ll separate this section from the main section with a line and a title called “Financial Info”.
We can do this by inserting an HTML field, clicking the <> icon to open the code editor, and entering the following:
On the user facing side of your website, our HTML field will display as a header with a line break:
Designing a Multi-Page Form
We’ve only added a few fields in this demo, but a true form like this could get very long and cluttered. Instead of using a line to separate sections, you may prefer to use Ninja Forms’ Multi-Part Forms extension and break the form into pages.
Multi-Part Forms allows you to divide the form into multiple pages, turning a scarily long form into visually manageable chunks for a much better user experience. Options that we can choose from include adding “breadcrumbs” that provide links to each form part for quick access, a progress bar so they can quickly see how much of the form he has completed, part titles, and more!
Saving User Progress on Lengthy Applications
Some forms need to be quite lengthy with users entering a lot of data. In these cases, it may be a good idea to use Ninja Forms’ Save Progress extension. This extension lets the user save what they have already entered and return to complete the form later. A save button has been added to our form for just that purpose.
Making Your Form a Smart Form
Lastly, suppose we have a form part that we only want filled out if the user’s income level is $100,000+. We can use Ninja Forms’ Conditional Logic extension to show a new form part only if the user checks the $100,000+ income level box. Fields can also be hidden or revealed this way.
In the below example we have a conditional statement that will show the High Income Info page/tab only when the $100,000+ income level is checked:
As shown below, when the user checks an income level box other than 100,000+, the High Income Info portion of the form is not accessible, but if the $100,000+ income level box is checked, then the user is presented with a third form part.
The Conditional Logic extension lets you apply conditions to various aspects of the form. You can apply logic that makes fields or form parts to be shown or hidden, or add or remove items from lists shown on the form. Conditional logic can also force fields to change their values. It is a very powerful tool when you want to tailor your forms to actions performed by the user.
As you can see, creating a WordPress application form using Ninja Forms is remarkably easy, yet gives you immense flexibility in how your form looks and works, making the end user’s experience with your form a more intuitive and pleasant one.