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SearchWP: Upgrade Your WordPress Search Experience!

Looking for a better way to search on your WordPress site? SearchWP is the solution you’re looking for.

Looking for a better method to search on your WordPress Site?Come see what we use!

One of the most common frustrations in life is not being able to find what you are looking for. If you’ve not upgraded the default search feature in WordPress, chances are your users are feeling that same pain.

Maybe a search feature upgrade isn’t something you’ve considered, and are just wondering how you could improve the number of pages a user reads when they visit your website. A search plugin is a fantastic tool to make more of your content easier to find for visitors.

Maybe you have considered a search feature upgrade, but are a little stumped about which of the 640+ pages of search plugins on might work for you? We’d like to make a recommendation!

Making your searches easier is a small thing that will make your site more welcoming and keep people coming back for more. SearchWP is the plugin we use, and we’d like to share it with you!

What is SearchWP?

When running a basic search on your site, WordPress will bring back what it finds in the following order, sorted by date:

  • full sentence matches in post titles
  • all search terms in post titles
  • any search terms in post titles
  • full sentence matches in post content.

While this is handy, it leaves a lot to be desired. SearchWP is a plugin that will make navigating your site easier than you ever thought possible.

SearchWP enhances the default WordPress search experience by letting you (deep breath in):

  • give separate keyword weights per category
  • assign keyword weights per custom field
  • have search results for media
  • attribute CPT hits that don’t have a permalink to a parent page
  • index PDF content
  • build secondary search engines that can operate outside of a main site search
  • allow someone to search a specific section of my site.

All that to say, SearchWP gives you the ability to navigate through your site’s content faster and easier than the built in WordPress function, and it can restrict your searches to just desired areas of your site. For both administrators and guests of a site this can be a huge feature.

How Will SearchWP Help Me?

Quickly Search Your Old Documentation

NinjaForms actually has a lot of first hand experience with using SearchWP. We use SearchWP daily to help users search through our documentation logs. Before using this function, it took a lot of specific assistance from our support team to help our guests. Today, our users can find the answers to most of their questions without having to wait on assistance from our support staff, and it also gives us more time to continue working on bug fixes and new functions. Remember, work smarter, not harder.

Streamline Your Market

If you are running an online market, SearchWP can also help you and your users find what they are looking for. Plugins like WooCommerce are great do help with your searches, but the only know how to do so much. SearchWP integrates with product search plugins such as WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, E-Commerce, and more to put the functionality in your control to insure that your customers get back the best results for them and you!

Index and Search Through Your Non-WordPress Content

PDFs are great for when you are looking to keep your content safe from piracy and unallowed edits, but they can also be a small nightmare when it comes to searches. One of SearchWP’s greatest features is its ability to index PDF content. SearchWP aims to make it as easy as possible for each customer. Even better, SearchWP can also index your Office and plain text files.

Analyze User Data

I’m a numbers guy. I like looking at data because it’s hard for numbers to lie, so this one oddly excites me. SearchWP comes with its own data features that will show you what your visitors have been searching for. Even better, it will also report on whether or not they found it! This is essentially giving you and window into what your guest need without having to ask them to fill out a survey or questionnaire. When it comes to producing vital information you can use to improve your site, it doesn’t get more useful than this.

Even More Integration and Support

We’ve already covered what product search plugins SearchWP can integrate with, but this plugin offers even more. SearchWP will also integrate with bbPress, a great plugin building a easy and professional forum, and WP Job Manager, a lightweight job listing plugin.

SearchWP also comes with a great amount of documentation and some of the best customer support you can find. If you ever develop any problems with your site or SearchWP, a support person will personally help you resolve your issues as quickly as possible.

Looking for a better way to search on your WordPress site? SearchWP is the solution you're looking for.

With these features, SearchWP can redefine how guests find your content starting today!

SearchWP is hands down of the best plugins we can recommend. It improves the functionality of your site, gives you new features to implement, and provides data to further improve your features and content. If you’re still not sold, check out their Common Pre-Sale Questions section and see how else this plugin can help you.

Did we mention that we use them ourselves right here on We can’t offer a higher recommendation than that!

Do you have any other features of SearchWP that you love that aren’t mentioned here? Be sure the share them in the comments below!