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Register for the First-Ever WP Career Summit

online networkingAre you looking to start or level up your WordPress career? Are you a recruiter seeking WordPress talent?

Either way, we’ve got great news! The very first WordPress Career Summit is just weeks away. This free online conference is brought to you by Post Status, an online community created by and for WordPress professionals. Whether you’re a job-seeker, hiring manager, or WordPress marketing expert, this event is the perfect time to learn more and build connections with others in the industry.

What Happens at WordPress Career Summit?

The WP Career Summit unites WordPress professionals from across the globe. Of particular interest to job seekers and hiring managers, this educational conference offers guidance on advancing your career and building the kind of company where people want to work.

When you register, you’ll have the option to choose between two tracks. Track One is for job seekers, with speakers discussing topics like, interview and resume prep, online interviewing, and negotiating your salary. Track Two is for hiring managers, and it covers marketing, company culture, finding great talent, and more.

Who Can Contribute?

The short answer — anyone! This event is completely free and open to anyone with an interest in a WordPress career.

speakershipIf you’re not searching for a job or looking to hire new talent, but you have industry knowledge related to career development, you can volunteer your expertise as an event speaker. This year’s keynote speaker is Ninja Forms’ own James Laws.

Speakerships are closed for the 2022 summit, but keep the opportunity in mind for 2023.


The WP Career Summit is completely free thanks to valuable sponsors, including GoDaddy Pro, Bluehost, and RocketGenius.

Sponsors are top companies for WordPress professionals. They also contribute to the growth of the WordPress community. If your company fits either description, there’s still time to apply for a sponsorship for the 2022 online event. A Silver Sponsorship costs $2,500 and includes marketing and special mentions, while a Gold Sponsorship costs $5,00 and includes a virtual roundtable with top WordPress candidates.

Details and Registration

new job


The 2022 WordPress Career Summit is completely online and takes place Friday, April 8 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm CDT. Register for free to advance your WordPress journey today.