Buttons, buttons everywhere, and we wouldn’t have it any other way! Can you imagine navigating the web with nothing but text hyperlinks? How unsightly and unprofessional would that be? You might not consciously realize it, but most of your internet journey is guided by buttons on this vast digital highway. When properly utilized, they should be an effortless method to gateway your users and garner attention.
But is there a single tool or plugin capable of meeting your site’s button needs? Meet MaxButtons, the only button plugin you may ever need.
MaxButtons: the Pinnacle of Straightforward Button Solutions
Simple implementation, smooth customization, and general ease-of-use is what MaxButtons delivers in spades. Whether you wish to quickly spin up predefined default buttons, or you need something more malleable to meet the specifications in stretching your buttoned wings, MaxButtons has you in mind. Enabling one to create buttons without knowing an ounce of code is the lifeblood in how the plugin caters to the average user, respecting their time, yet still allowing for ample flexibility, should the situation necessitate it.
Being able to color not only text, and background but also button shadows is phenomenal and quite frankly unparalleled. Furthering its expansiveness, attaching any chosen command action to fire upon a button being clicked goes so far into the realm of flexibility, it basically owns the moniker where buttons are concerned. Likewise, a wonderful feature (for the makers whom are CSS savvy): you’ll take heart in knowing MaxButtons is fully CSS3 compliant, even providing button CSS minification, and the capability of limiting or expanding access in button creation to unique user roles.
Integrations that play well together
Whether you need to integrate your buttons with the latest browsers, Easy Digital Downloads, Beaver Builder, Google Analytics, Font Awesome, MaxButtons makes it a cinch to do so with these and many other products and services. For example, you can enable a Font Awesome conflict mode to prioritize the former against potential plugin clashes.
Furthermore, to prevent any visual inconsistencies, you may also preview your buttons in Border Box mode which many modern themes render templates in. With so many innate and potential options at your fingertips, it’s easy to overlook just how far the plugin’s creators, Max Foundry, have gone to ensure you won’t be left wanting in your distinct use case.
When expectations meets results
Ultimately, what’s wonderful about MaxButtons is it simply does precisely what it’s supposed to do andthen some. The free version is expansive enough that one may never need to upgrade to their offering of MaxButtons Pro (which starts as low as $19.99 per year). It is certainly worth mentioned though that MaxButtons Pro comes coupled with a massive (thousands strong) collection of prefabricated buttons, and more customization options that you’d probably ever be able to feasibly take advantage of. With such a thorough attention to detail into what is provided with Pro, it’s likely that their ready-made collections will meet your need without even having to consider generating your own from scratch. Tack on the provided support in their Pro package and it becomes hard to conjure a button scenario in which you will be left wanting.
While we’ve not come here to steal MaxButtons’ thunder, it’s worth stating that our own company prides itself on developing fast, easy, and beautiful products. As such, it may go without saying, exactly why MaxButtons stands so highly in our esteem. Priding themselves on being the first WordPress button plugin, after 6 years, they may indeed still be the best.