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Connect Lumeer with WordPress in Minutes

Finding the right project management tools is a journey. When you discover one that clicks with your team, it’s like striking gold. For many, that tool is Lumeer. However, integrating it into WordPress can be tricky.

The Lumeer WordPress plugin allows embedding projects but lacks seamless integration. What if you could manage Lumeer records directly from WordPress forms? No more juggling platforms.

With Zapier, you can make this a reality. Connect Lumeer and Ninja Forms to enable easy record creation and updates from any WordPress form.

In this article, we will show you how to connect to Lumeer in just four steps. So let’s get started!

Connect to Lumeer with WordPress in just four steps!

In order to follow this guide, you’ll need:

Step 1. Connect your WordPress forms with Zapier

The Ninja Forms Zapier add-on is the tool that establishes the link between WordPress and the application you want to send data to. First, install and activate it on your website.Zapier add-on from Ninja Forms

Next, create an account with Zapier themselves. Now you’re ready to get started!

2. Create a Zap!

Integrations between applications handled by Zapier are called Zaps. We’ll be creating a Zap that will connect Ninja Forms with your target service. It’s super simple. Just log into your Zapier account and click Create Zap.

Make a Zap and connect to Lumeer

TL;DR Setup

  1. Search for the Ninja Forms integration, then pair it with Lumeer.
  2. Scroll down the page until you see the blue Connect Lumeer + Ninja Forms button, and click.
  3. After that, you will be redirected to the Zap page with the Trigger and Action automatically added.

3. Select Ninja Forms as your Trigger App

Next, choose Ninja Forms to act as a trigger. This is the event that will kick off your automation. After that, select the New Form Submission event as your trigger. This step should take about 15 seconds.

Ninja Forms Zapier trigger app

Next, copy the Zapier webhook URL and paste it into the Zapier action of the form you want to use:

After pasting in the webhook, be sure to click Done, Publish, then Preview and Submit your form before continuing in Zapier.

✨ Be sure to enter data into each field before you submit, even if it’s not a required field!

When you finish this, continue in Zapier and test the action. This will confirm whether or not a secure connection exists. They’ll offer troubleshooting advice on the odd chance that it fails. After a successful test, it’s time to move on!

Step 4. Select Lumeer as your action app

Same as before, search and select:

Select your Lumeer event with Zapier


You can now search for and select what you want to have happen in Lumeer each time this form is submitted. Your options are:

  • Create Record in a Table
  • Update Record in a Table
  • Find Record in a Table

Make your selection, continue, and Zapier will prompt you to log in to your account. Lumeer is a secure partner with Zapier, and all login credentials are encrypted. Once you’ve logged in, you’re ready to move on.

choose account screen within the zap where the Lumeer account is selected


For this demo, I’ve selected “Create Record in a Table.” Whichever you picked, all that’s left is a few last setup items. To create a new record, select your Organization, then Project, and finally, the Table you want to create the record in.

Create a Record in a Table for Lumeer with Zapier


Now just continue, and Zapier will test your connection. On a successful test, you’re good to go! Just turn on your Zap and go put your form on whatever post or page you need it to be available on!

For more on what can be accomplished with Lumeer and the Zapier add-on for Ninja Forms integration, check out Lumeer’s Ninja Forms integration page.

Successful test? Find, update, and create records in any table of any project from any WordPress form!

Now that you know how to sync Lumeer with WordPress, it’s time to explore the uncharted territories of Zapier’s capabilities. Here are a few tutorials to pique your curiosity:

We’re eager to hear what Zapier integration you’d love to see next. Your ideas fuel our innovation!

Don’t hesitate! Embrace the power of the Zapier add-on today. It’s available for individual purchase in single, five, or twenty-site licenses or as a part of our comprehensive Agency membership collection. With a risk-free 14-day money-back guarantee, there’s nothing standing between you and your vision.