WordPress recently unveiled its second major release of 2022: WordPress 6.0. After so many improvements in WordPress 5.9, it’s unsurprising that 6.0 packs even more exciting advancements for site development, design, and customizations. Users will be thrilled to hear that the new release solved many bugs reported in 5.9. It also incorporates feedback and testing results. Overall, this latest version of the world’s most popular content management system is one to celebrate, packing new features and enhancing existing ones.
New Blocks in WordPress 6.0
WordPress 5.9 ushered in the all-new Full Site Editing feature based on blocks and the first default block editor Twenty Twenty-Two. 6.0 builds on the block-based editing concept. Featuring several brand-new blocks that enable even more precise control over your site’s appearance and functionality.
These are the new blocks you can begin using in WP 6.0:
Comments Query Loop
Use this block to fully customize post comments on your site. Sub-blocks allow you to edit individual aspects of comments, including the author’s name and avatar, links, the content itself, and beyond. Adjust the color and typography to your liking, and you’ll be amazed at how much the comments pop.
Read More
This block is yet another example of how the latest versions of WordPress make it easy to create a site perfectly suited to your brand. The new Read More block allows you to customize the “Read More” button on posts, including color, typography, border, and more. While 5.9 enabled you to customize the text, you can now focus more on appearance and design.
No Results
For the first time ever, add a No Results block inside your Query Loop block (the block that allows you to search for posts that meet certain criteria, such as date or author). No Results will only populate if your query has no applicable results.
Author Bio and Avatar
You now have access to two blocks that can function separately from the Post Author block: the Author Biography and Avatar blocks. Customize these as you see fit, and feel free to use them in other areas of your site besides posts. Perhaps you’d like to add a new “About Us” page with author biographies or a “Writer” page featuring author avatars.
WordPress 6.0 Puts You In Control
New blocks for WordPress are just some of the highly-anticipated updates now available with WordPress 6.0. No matter your design needs, all-new blocks in WP 6.0 increase your control and capabilities. Start using them today, and you’ll soon realize how easy it is to customize your site.
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