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Introducing Custom Role Support for User Management!

Some of our best ideas come from you! The launch of User Management a number of months ago was our answer to an overwhelming tide of your requests. You wanted a Ninja Forms solution that allowed you to register users to your WordPress websites. We delivered. We fell a little short though, and you let us know. We love it. That kind of feedback is exactly what helps us grow Ninja Forms into what it is today. Specifically, we dropped the ball on including custom role support. That’s now been corrected. Let’s take a look.

Wait, What is Custom Role Support?

If you’re not one of our users that was requesting this feature, you might not even know what we’re talking about. Let’s fix that with a quick intro. Roles in WordPress are the permissions you assign a user when they login. The Role option is found in a user’s profile (if already registered) or when you set them up as a new user.

User Management for Ninja Forms allows you to create a WordPress registration form, but up until now it only supported the stock roles you see in the above image. Many of you use one of the many plugins that enables custom roles on your site, and that’s where we fell short at launch. User Management didn’t flex to accommodate custom roles. Now it does.

What Do I Need to Do to Enable/Use Custom Roles in User Management?

We have a great answer to this question: absolutely nothing. It just works. Just make sure you’re updated to at least User Management version 3.0.1. Have a custom role plugin enabled. For the below example I’ve used User Role Editor, a fantastically simple plugin for adding custom user roles. With it installed and a custom role created, assigning a custom user role to your registration form is as simple as clicking in the role dropdown of your Register User action:

That’s all, folks.

Are there any other features in User Management that you’d love to see? Make your life easier? Let us know. That goes for each and every other one of our extensions and Ninja Forms itself, too. We love your feedback. What else would you like to see?