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Attend the Very First WordCamp Asia in 2023

Wordpress logo lanyardsCalling all WordPress experts, fans, and newbies alike — WordCamp is just for you! WordCamp conferences are your go-to source for connecting with the WP community and learning about your favorite content management system. Each event is open to anyone interested in WordPress, and they take place all across the globe.

This year, the community is thrilled to announce the very first in-person WordCamp Asia event.

WordCamp Asia 2023

Bangkok, ThailandAsia’s flagship WordCamp conference will take place February 17 – 19, 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand. Day one will be Contributor Day, a time for attendees to work together and improve WordPress through coding, testing, documentation, and more. The following two days will consist of informative sessions covering WordPress’ current capabilities and future possibilities.

Planning is in the preliminary stages, so be sure to regularly check the WordCamp Asia site for further announcements on tickets, speakership opportunities, and more.

How to Get Involved

If WordCamp Asia sounds right up your alley, there are many ways to get involved. As mentioned, attendees have the option to join Contributor Day (the first day of the conference) to collaborate with other WordPress aficionados on improving features, solving bugs, and more. Additionally, every WordCamp event needs compelling speakers. If you have important knowledge about WordPress functionality, career advice for developers and users, or real-life applications for WP, sign up for a speakership to share your insight.

But there’s no pressure. WordCamp is all about networking and collaboration. By simply attending, you’re making vital connections in the WordPress Asia community.

Call for Organizers

Japanese contributors working on laptops during a past WordCamp eventYet another way to contribute, WordCamp Asia is still looking for organizers. Organizers are instrumental volunteers that plan and execute the event, offering assistance in everything from AV to design to PR. Organizers must meet the following criteria:

  • Be available during the conference (in some cases, remote availability is fine)
  • Active involvement in WordPress’ Asian community
  • Weekly availability for planning and meetings (roughly three hours per week)
  • Be passionate about diversity

The deadline for organizer applications is fast approaching, so be sure to apply before April 30, 2022.

Mark Your Calendars

Be a part of history by attending and contributing to WordCamp Asia 2023! Be sure to mark your calendars for the event itself, and check the WordCamp Asia site regularly for announcements on tickets, organizers, speakerships, and more.

Info at a glance:

What: Very first in-person WordCamp Asia

When: February 17 – 19, 2023

Where: Bangkok, Thailand at TRUE ICON HALL

Who: Any and every WordPress user, fan, or expert is welcome