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Turns Out You Can Be a Gamer AND Run a Successful Business

Community Spotlight: Anthony Siringo & Ant Built

When the average person thinks of video games and gamers in general, productivity and entrepreneurship aren’t necessarily the first things that come to mind. Negative stereotypes are common enough that even our own team, comprised of intermittent-to-avid gamers, can be apprehensive in whom they share knowledge of their gaming hobbies with. You can imagine our enthusiasm then when Anthony Siringo, gamer turned businessman, reached out to our editorial team for our first Ninja Forms community spotlight interview…

Starting Small & Dreaming Big

Anthony Siringo had a humble start as a gamer building websites as a hobby. What began as an impressive web forum for his Counterstrike clan at age 14 turned into building out other websites for other games. Knowledge of this found its way to a family member, whom after seeing his work, requested a business site be built for them. One thing lead to the another and began to snowball when Anthony realized he could make a living off his work. 

Anthony realized then that he had a business, but no idea what to call it. His close friend from whom he asked advice opted to keep it simple and take the scenario at face value, “You’re an ant, you build websites…all of your websites are ant-built”. With that clever double entendre, the web design and digital marketing company Ant Built was born. 

Opting For the Personal Touch

Anthony has chosen to keep his business and customers local, with all of his clients in and around his native Staten Island. In this way, Ant Built prides itself on the ability to add the personal touch for its customers, going against the web-design norm, and having a hands-on approach in the digital ecosphere. This business specificity could be the ultimate leg-up needed for sustainability in the highly competitive web-design market. Coupled with Ant Built’s location in New York, this practice may be the ‘special spice’ which fuels it all.

In addition to actual ground-up site building, Ant Built provides SEO services, social media management, and digital marketing for his patrons. Being someone who loves constructive criticism and working firsthand to meet clients’ needs, Anthony loves to see people interact with what he’s created. One site Anthony was particularly proud to share was that of the “personal trainer fitness-studio nightclub” (you read that right), DJ Got Me Fit

Follow Your Dreams


'That's what grew my love for web design... people interacting with something I created' -Anthony Siringo of AntBuilt

“If anything, Anthony’s story and recent success (especially for someone well under 30) just goes to show that one can be productive and profitable, even if their favorite hobby has them tapping or clicking buttons in front of a television screen or monitor.”

The prior statement weighs even heavier when taking into account his impressive roster of 5 star google+ reviews, which can be seen displayed at the bottom of Ant Built’s contact page.

Gaming may not be for everyone, but I believe Anthony is the type to look broad generalizations in the face and politely chuckle, while continuing to make his clients happy all the way. At only 23 years old with a thriving web design business of his own, we’re certainly impressed!

You can find Anthony Siringo on Twitter @AntBuiltDotCom, on Facebook, or his primary place of business: