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Ahoy! Powerful Automated Marketing Messages for WordPress

Finding new ways to grab your visitor’s attention and making them want to engage can be tough. In an internet full of bright, flashy, and animated things competing for attention, you need something that will make your message stand out.

Struggling to grow your mailing list? Frustrated by the number of potential customers abandoning their cart through checkout? Looking for interesting new ways to gather user feedback? Creative new methods for product announcements?

You need Ahoy!, the automated marketing message tool for WordPress! You’re wasting the potential of your website’s traffic without them!

Increase visitor engagement and make the most of your traffic’s potential with Ahoy!

Ahoy! is an exceptionally creative marketing tool created by Calum Allison and Daniel Iser. The latter is the developer behind the incredible Popup Maker plugin for WordPress, which we strongly endorse and use as well.

The goal of Ahoy! is to drive user engagement through customizable, automated messages that pop up at different times while a visitor is browsing your site. You may have seen these already as you’ve been browsing

These messages are customized (both text and CSS), and set to appear based on different triggers. That’s the really neat part of Ahoy!; what you see here is the standard format, but how they are styled, what they say, and when they appear is completely up to you.

There are a huge variety of trigger options also so that you can present specific messages at virtually any time. That’s the real power of Ahoy! that cannot be overstated. Targeted messages to specific users are an incredible marketing feature that makes this plugin’s potential really exciting!

Ahoy! is a far more powerful marketing tool than you might expect

If you're not using Ahoy! you're losing potential sales. That simple. Find out what it's about here!

The power of Ahoy! as a marketing tool lies in its ability to present custom messages to select users conditionally. That means you can tailor different messages to different users based on the actions they take while on your site, time of day, and more!


You can easily style Ahoy! messages, both with and without CSS. In the image above you can see that we’ve matched the header of our messages to match the red theme of the site. That’s done from the plugin menu, no CSS needed. You can also change background color, text color, style the body of the message, and much more right from your dashboard!

Ahoy styling menu

If you want to go farther, virtually everything about the message can be changed via CSS!

Call to Action

There’s a full range of features for adding a call to action in your messages. Add text links, buttons, custom content, even a Ninja Form!

ahoy call to action settings menu


Tap into targeted messages to unlock the true potential of Ahoy! as a marketing tool. The plugin has dozens of preset trigger options, far more than we can list here. This makes it possible to trigger a specific message virtually any time you want, for anyone you want.

Need a way to present targeted marketing to specific visitors on your #WordPress website? You need Ahoy!

Here are just some of the instances where you can trigger a specific message to display:

  • A user is on a specific post or page
  • A user is on any post or page that meets a given criteria (category, tag, and more!)
  • When they view any type of media
  • When they download a file
  • Interact with a content block
  • Based on specific parts of the URL
  • Based on referrer URL
  • Cookie exists or not
  • EDD license meets a certain criteria
  • Type of device

This is really the major strength of Ahoy!. Presenting targeted messages to a visitor based on such fine grain detail about them or their activity on your site makes this an incredibly powerful marketing tool!


You may want certain messages to appear only during a specific time frame, for a given date range, etc. That’s no harder to set up than indicating that you want to do so and then selecting a time frame/range.


The plugin tracks a variety of analytics features so you can see stats at a glance. Track opens, conversions, and conversion rates for each message. Drill down into all that and more for specific time ranges, and also see daily and monthly performance statistics right from your WordPress dashboard.

Integrate with other services for extra flexibility and impact

Ahoy! will recognize and present additional options, including trigger conditions, for officially integrated services. Right now that includes:

  • Easy Digital Downloads
  • WooCommerce
  •  MailChimp
  • Ninja Forms
  • Gravity Forms and Contact Form 7 – not that you need these 😀

Wondering what all you can put Ahoy! to work doing?

There’s a world of use cases where Ahoy! can really help up your marketing game. Here’s some ideas!

  • Cart Abandonment: Bring these numbers way down by targeting users who have walked away with items in their cart
  • Promotions: Bring greater visibility to your promotions and sales via targeted messages
  • Social Media: Grow your likes and follows with more attention to your social media channels
  • Mailing Lists: Get your subscriber numbers up with messages tailored to unsubscribed users
  • Up-sell and cross-sell products: Ahoy! can trigger extra sales opportunities based on what a user indicates interest in!
  • Announcements: Use Ahoy! for extra word-of-mouth right from your website!
  • Feedback and support: Trigger a message with a Ninja Form to open a communication channel for users who need it!

You’re losing out on sales opportunities if you’re not using Ahoy!

Discover Ahoy! for yourself at! There’s a world of marketing opportunities waiting for you in this plugin. Check them out today and start making the most out of your website’s traffic. You’re losing out on potential sales everyday that you’re not, so get to it! 😀

Creative, fun, targeted marketing tailor made to your site and your visitors. Sound good? Come check this plugin out!